Friday, May 11, 2007

Morning sickness?

It's nearly 6 pm and I am still feeling extremely nauseous. Ug! I've been trying to research "morning sickness" and it appears that there are many people as unlucky as I, or I am as unlucky as them. Nonetheless, I'm sick of being sick. I'm tired of being tired. And, being nauseous is making me more nauseous.

I knew that the decision to carry this baby to term would reek havoc upon my body. I fully realized that pregnancy can bring chaos to the body and the emotions that we are previously used to. However, I didn't realize that it would consume my every waking moment. I didn't realize that I'd drive a different route to school so that I could pull over and vomit with nobody watching. I didn't realize that I'd ask to be excused to the bathroom 4 times a day and I didn't realize that I'd have to begin taking my lunches to Taco Bell so that I could throw up in their outdoor bathroom, away from anybody I might know.

This pregnancy feels like it is sucking the life out of me and yet I've only just begun. Please tell me this ends at some point, some point soon?

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