Saturday, June 9, 2007

"Came out" to my sister

Josh's graduation was on Thursday. It was so cool to watch them call his name and to mention his honors as well. One of our bff, Tim, said a speech that brought tears to my eyes realizing that a lot of my friends as well as my boyfriend will not return to school in August. The reality really hits you sorta hard. Even though I have all my up-to-11-grade- friends, I will really miss Tim, Bekka, Lisa, Jacob, Angel, Simon, Mark, Cheryl, Katie and most importantly, Josh. There were a lot of hugs and tears, promises to keep in touch, but does that really happen? Will I truly know these people in 15 years; or will they just be a memory? That thought makes me sad. I don't want just memories, I want people. I love them.

My friends went to Disneyland yesterday. Instead of opting to go with them and make up some reason why I couldn't ride the rides, I decided to stay home. They had a great time I am hearing today.

I did tell my sister - I thought she'd be shocked big time, but she wasn't. She said she knew and then showed me an email she'd written to her boyfriend about suspecting I was pregnant. Should've known..... we've always known what is happening with each other. She has very mixed feelings about me choosing adoption. Hopefully at some point we can sit and really talk about it without all the emotions getting in the way. At this point I need to tell my parents.....but I don't know how.


idiot said...

Hey Brooke! Was on the adoption webring and saw you were a new blogger..I took a read thru and just want to say how OLD you sound for 17!

All kidding aside..just want to wish you the best in telling your parents. Remember they love you.

suzykrn said...

You sound like a great young woman who is definately facing a time in her life that wasn't in her plans. Life sometimes does that. I was really moved by reading your postings, I feel for you and the fear that you are living with in the anticipation of telling your parents. If I can say one thing it would be that your parents may be shocked, angry, disappointed--all of the things that you are fearing but they will still love you. You are their daughter, give them time to adjust to the news and I am sure they will come around and be supportive--I pray for you that they will be as this is when you will need them most. I also pray as a parent that if I am faced with this situation in our home I will remember more than the feelings I am experiencing are the ones that my child is experiencing and how much they will truly need me. They do love you. Good luck to you and your future.

Anonymous said...

I love this website.
From this website , if you have not yet reach any you can reach many bmoms and they may help you to consider many issues.

Good luck..

Each time an expectant mom who considers adoption say that " I will parent " I feel happy.

if you have other options please consider parenting. Your baby needs you. Please dont think that you are not important for her and an adoptiove parent can fill your void.

it is not selfish to consider parenting if you have support system.

But anyways.

Good luck.