Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Better than wonderful

I met the baby's family. I am convinced, without any doubt, that I am making the right decision. We spent all day yesterday together and had so much fun. I love everything about them. Everything! We ended the day with a caffeine free starbucks and played a game that Kari (the mom) and I made up, which was entirely too cool. I have never met two more rockin people in my life.

I brought pictures of Josh. Kari was really understanding of my feelings about the baby and Josh and she explained to me that the problems developing between Josh and I over the adoption are most likely normal. True love will get through anything. I believe that wholeheartedly. If Josh and I are meant to be then we will be. If not, then God's plan is someone else for me.

Anywho, the weight is now really beginning to come on. I hate to sound self-centered and vain but I really hope that I don't gain too much weight. Just enough for a healthy baby will be perfect for me. I'm increasing the veggies and fruits and going to lay off of the ice cream for a while. :-)

PS: For Luann,
As of yet my parents haven't met them yet. Hopefully they will meet soon!


idiot said...

YAHOO!! I'm so glad the meeting went well. You are very brave for meeting them without the support of your parents or Josh.

Now sit back and relax and take care of yourself and your relationship with Josh. And remember you are 17 and the pregnancy weight will come off more easily than if you were 35.

You rock. I'm proud of you!

Anonymous said...

You will 100% regret a semi-open adoption.

Adoptive parents are not exempt from divorce issues as well.

So sad.

Anonymous said...

Did you do a real good research.
I had found you from Adoption Forums.
Please read a lot. it is fairly a good for because you can see many different opinions and real life experiences.

Read adoptive parents , birth parents and adopted children .
There are lots of lots of information on the web. But do not read

" the selfless act, or the act of love" type of adoptive sites.

Or do not ever listen
" You will grieve but it will be okey in the end " type of writing .
or " this is the best for the child"

This is pure advertaisment. Do not buy these.

Also do a research on single parenting.
Talk with your parents. Ask them how they can help you if you decide to parent. if you seem to settle your mind on adoption they may not want to effect you because they may not know what is best for you so they may let you decide yourself.

But you know what they will also grieve .
They will LOSEEEE their GRAND CHILD.

also since you will lose your child for ever. ( I am underlining this )
Please take at least couple of weeks to have with him/ her.
Do not hand YOUR baby to adoptive parents directly at hospital.

it is a special time to say hi.
it is not a time to say goodbye .

Anonymous said...

I also like this website :

Anonymous said...

in my pregnancy I only gained 10 kg
I think it was even possible to avoid it.

Actually when I look back I see that my eating habits had changed completely .
it was a subconscious thing.
I had started to like vegetables , fruits I did not like before.

Now my sister in law is pregnant (15 weeks) and she has already gained 7 kg. I know that she is not eating a lot. So it really differs form person to person.

I could not lose the weight because sarcastically I gained weight after birth. This was I think because I had not take necessary vitamins. I wish I had. I think my body was lacking certain things . But I should not have eaten empty calories.

in my pregnancy I think to have long and short walks helped me a lot.
I was doing light yoga. I advise you to take yoga classes if you can they helped me a lot while giving birth.

Anonymous said...

CONGRADULATIONS!! I have been following your blog and I am really excited for you. :)

Anonymous said...


Friend to friend; please educate yourself on your decision. I want you to know; every thing you will face now, and in the future. Your decision to make; but educate yourself. There are a million people who will sit down, and talk with you if you ask. A lot of us were not educated on this decision; if you are educated on this I will back-off. Just tell me.

Anonymous said...

I want to show what adoption does to the mother; it is a life-time issue. Girls, don't believe the lies you'll get over it; the baby is better off without you.

Anonymous said...

I am not the writer of the blog above . I just want to take it into your attention.

Anonymous said...

If possible could you please share with us why do you think that you can not take care of your baby?
So if possible may be we can help you. Or show you other sides ? Or just listen .

Kelly said...

I have been checking on this blog; but no update as of yet. I hope nothing is wrong. Anonymous did put the link up to my blog; thank you anonymous. Yes; I have very deep emotional scars from my loss.Keely put congratulations; that concerned me. I am willing to talk to anybody who wants to talk. All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog; or e-mail me. I can only tell you what I go through; the decision has to be yours to make. My decision; was not my decision. Yes; we can listen; answer questions you might have. Or help in any way we can. That is a great suggestion anonymous. I am willing to do help in any way I can. Keely, I am not trying to be harsh; as I don't know you; but your words scared me as I was wondering how is congralutaions in order? If Keely can not answer this; can someone else answer that for me; please.

Kelly said...; oops forgot to put my e-mail address in my last post.

Kelly said...

One more thing; I am wondering what Josh's stand is on this? I just didn't see that in any of the posts?

Anonymous said...

Kelly said...

what anonymous does that mean???

Anonymous said...

Ok; now I am worried. Why is Brooke being so quiet? I hope that is a good thing. If anyone; knows any thing leave me a comment on my blog; or e-mail me @ Thanks!!!!

MOL_Am_Ris said...

I found your blog through the blogging birthmothers ring.

I know that you feel you are doing the right thing, and I know that you deeply, deeply love your unborn child. That you want to give your dear one the best life possible.

I hope that you will read some adult adoptee blogs, dear friend. Your pain and your sacrifice are not necessary. What children want is to be loved by their mother. They don't want to spend their life daydreaming of the day you'll realize that you actually DO want him, after all.

Please do not abandon your baby. In the darkness of the night, when she cries out for mommy... she's not crying out for a stranger, dear one. She is crying out for YOU. She is begging for the loving touch of her mother. She is searching for the scent of her mother.

Adtopees experience attachment disorders as infants- because the infant DOES know that the ONLY person in his life so far is not there.

You love your child. Your circumstances now are temporary. You will go on with your life, you will make money, everything will change.

In the space of a year, your life will be so different from now. And if you let go of your child, there will be a huge gaping hole in your life.

An infant doesn't want hardwood floors, a pool, and doesn't care if there's a ring on your finger.

She just cares if her mommy comes when she calls. She just cares that the familiar and beloved sounds and scents are there when she wakes up... the song of her mother's heartbeat.

YOU are what's best for your baby. YOU are what your baby wants and needs.


And your sacrifice, your ultimate "gift" will haunt you forever. You will weep with a broken pain and sorrow when your baby is calling someone else "Mommy."